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Heritage of the Second World War in Croatia. Identity Imposed Upon and By Music (CROSBI ID 24429)

Prilog u knjizi | izvorni znanstveni rad

Ceribašić, Naila Heritage of the Second World War in Croatia. Identity Imposed Upon and By Music // Music, Politics, and War: Views from Croatia / Pettan, Svanibor (ur.). Zagreb: Institut za etnologiju i folklOris tiku (IEF), 1998. str. 109-129-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Ceribašić, Naila


Heritage of the Second World War in Croatia. Identity Imposed Upon and By Music

Consideration of the conceptions about music and music-making practice in the Indipendent State of Croatia and in the National Liberation Movement shows the ways in which different worldviews have been implemented at the field of music and the ways of constructing communities through a certain model of music-making. The discourses on traditional, popular and art music have been analyzed, as well as attitudes towards homogeneity and heterogeneity of various genres in various types of public performances. Conceptions from the period of the World War II are compared with contemporary conceptions.

music, Croatia, World War II

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Podaci o knjizi

Pettan, Svanibor

Zagreb: Institut za etnologiju i folklOris tiku (IEF)



Povezanost rada

Etnologija i antropologija, Znanost o umjetnosti