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The Former Yugoslavia: The case of Slovenia (CROSBI ID 24436)

Prilog u knjizi | izvorni znanstveni rad

Mežnarić, Silva ; Ule, Mirjana The Former Yugoslavia: The case of Slovenia // Women in the Politics of Postcommunist Eastern Europe. Revised and Expanded Edition / Rueschmeyer, Marylin (ur.). Armonk : New York (NY) : London: M. E. Sharpe, 1998. str. 202-214

Podaci o odgovornosti

Mežnarić, Silva ; Ule, Mirjana


The Former Yugoslavia: The case of Slovenia

Slovenia has longer tradition in civic culture development than the rest of former Yugoslav states. Authors analyse the role of this tradition for the ethnicity and gender in postcommunist era. They take into account specifically abortion, women as citizens, politicians and managers, and the role of labor market. They found that in Slovenia, there are signs of women finding their niches in a new polity, though old boys’ networks systematically exclude them from decision making processes.

case study, women, politics, modernization, abortion, power, ideology, labor market, Slovenia

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Podaci o knjizi

Rueschmeyer, Marylin

Armonk : New York (NY) : London: M. E. Sharpe



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