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Privatization, Restructuring and Institutional Change: How Far Has Croatia Gone? (CROSBI ID 23591)

Prilog u knjizi | izvorni znanstveni rad

Čučković, Nevenka Privatization, Restructuring and Institutional Change: How Far Has Croatia Gone? // Privatization in Post Communist Countries / Blaszczyk, Barbara ; Woodward, Richard (ur.). Varšava: Case Publishing, 1997. str. 53-75-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Čučković, Nevenka


Privatization, Restructuring and Institutional Change: How Far Has Croatia Gone?

The paper portrays the relevant institutional changes that have been made so far in Croatia with particular focus on those made to support the process of privatization and restructuring of former socially owned sector. It also attempts to assess the impact of the absence of the important institutional and legislative pieces which were adopted with some delay (antimonopoly law, law on securities, law on investment funds) that could have made a substantial contribution to the progress of ownership reform. The text also explores to what extent the dynamics of adopting the legislative framework actually affected the progress of privatization. Particular attention is paid to legislation and institutional rules needed for the enforcement of property rights and contractual arrangements.

Croatia, privatization, restructuring, institutional change

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Podaci o knjizi

Blaszczyk, Barbara ; Woodward, Richard

Varšava: Case Publishing



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