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Figure of merit of quasicrystals:The case of Al-Cu-Fe (CROSBI ID 740547)

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Bilušić, Ante ; Pavuna, Davor ; Smontara, Ana Figure of merit of quasicrystals:The case of Al-Cu-Fe // Vacuum. 2001. str. 345-348

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Bilušić, Ante ; Pavuna, Davor ; Smontara, Ana


Figure of merit of quasicrystals:The case of Al-Cu-Fe

Quasicrystals exhibit low thermal and moderate electrical conductivity, accompanied by a relatively high absolute magnitude of thermopower, which makes them suitable candidates for use as thermoelectric devices. Theoretical explanations of electrical and thermal conductivity and thermopower of two representative members of the Al-Cu-Fe icosahedral quasicrystal family (i-Al62Cu25.5Fe12.5 and i-Al63Cu25Fe12) are given. Their figures of merit are relatively low compared with the best-known thermoelectric materials.

figure of merit ; quasicrystals ; electrical conductivity ; thermopower ; thermal conductivity

Rad je kao predavanje prezentiran na skupu The 8th joint vacuum conference, održanom od 04.-09.06.2000., Pula, Hrvatska ; predavač Ante Bilušić.

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