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Mercury anomaly at the Cretaceous -Tertiary boundry; Dolenja Vas, Slovenia. (CROSBI ID 472128)

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Palinkaš, Ladislav ; Drobne, Katica ; Durn, Goran ; Miko, Slobodan Mercury anomaly at the Cretaceous -Tertiary boundry; Dolenja Vas, Slovenia. // The role of impact processes in the geological and biological evolution of the planet Earth / Drobne, K. ; Goričan, Š. ; Kotnik, B. (ur.). Postojna: Scientific Research Centre SAZU, 1996. str. 57-60-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Palinkaš, Ladislav ; Drobne, Katica ; Durn, Goran ; Miko, Slobodan


Mercury anomaly at the Cretaceous -Tertiary boundry; Dolenja Vas, Slovenia.

In the eastern Dolenja Vas section (DVE) the K/T boundary is situated between the rudist and Paleocene micrite limestones, is marked by a hardground, whereas in the western section (DVW) it is characterised by 10 to 30 cm thick breccias (debris flow). Thirty-nine rock samples were collected along the two profiles at an irregular distance from the K/T boundary. DVE section extends 45 cm below the boundary in the Cretaceous rocks and 60 cm above in the overlying Paleocene carbonates. DVW section is sampled from 85 cm below the K/T contact to 50 cm above it. The mercury analysis was performed by pyrolysis with a gold wire mercury vapor analyser, AGP-1. The Hg concentrations vary between 6 and 290 ng/g. The maximum was obtained in the uppermost Cretaceous layer of DVE section (290 ng/g) in a composite sample. The DVW section anomaly is less expressive (49 ng/kg).

K/T boundary; mercury anomaly; Dolenja Vas

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nije evidentirano

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Drobne, K. ; Goričan, Š. ; Kotnik, B.

Postojna: Scientific Research Centre SAZU

Podaci o skupu

International workshop POSTOJNA ‘96: The role of impact processes in the geological and biological evolution of the planet Earth



Postojna, Slovenija

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