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Conformational study of dibenzo-30-crown-10 complexes (CROSBI ID 472298)

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Matijašić, Ivanka ; Dapporto, Paolo ; Rossi, Paolo ; Tušek-Božić, Ljerka Conformational study of dibenzo-30-crown-10 complexes // Book of Abstracts / Kamenar, Boris ; Golić, Ljubo (ur.). Zagreb: Pliva, 1999. str. 15-15-x

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Matijašić, Ivanka ; Dapporto, Paolo ; Rossi, Paolo ; Tušek-Božić, Ljerka


Conformational study of dibenzo-30-crown-10 complexes

Host-guest chemistry of macrocyclic polyethers has a considerably biological relevance as model substances of naturally occurring ionophores for the study of ion-transport processes in cell membranes and investigation of receptor-enzyme interactions. The chemistry of metal-ion macrocyclic complexes and their crystal structures are influenced by a variety of factors, which include the size and ionic character of the cation respectively the flexibility and cavity size of the ring. All these factors must be taken into account when tailoring ligands to recognize particular metal ions. Much effort has centered on understanding the effects of altering the nature of metal or ligand on the stoichiometry and structure of the complexes formed. In the continuation of our systematic investigation on the complexes with different crown ethers, we are focusing here on the crystal and molecular structure of potassium (1) and ammonium hexafluorophosphate complex (2) with dibenzo-30-crown-10 (DB30C10). In both complexes the cation is completely encapsulated by this large crown molecule having a quite similar conformation. The correlation with CSD structures will be made using polar maps.

crystal structure; crown ether complex

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Kamenar, Boris ; Golić, Ljubo

Zagreb: Pliva

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Eighth Croatian - Slovenian Crystallographic Meeting



Opatija, Hrvatska

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