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Radon at the Istarske Toplice Health Resort (CROSBI ID 472318)

Prilog sa skupa u zborniku | izvorni znanstveni rad | međunarodna recenzija

Lokobauer, Nevenka ; Franić, Zdenko ; Kubelka, Dragan ; Senčar, Jasminka ; Sokolović, Enis Radon at the Istarske Toplice Health Resort // Symposium Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium and Exhibition on Environmental Contamination in Central and Eastern Europe / Herndon, Roy (ur.). Varšava: Institute for International Cooperative Environmental Research, 1999. str. PDF file 050 on-x

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Lokobauer, Nevenka ; Franić, Zdenko ; Kubelka, Dragan ; Senčar, Jasminka ; Sokolović, Enis


Radon at the Istarske Toplice Health Resort

This paper deals with the determination of radon concentrations and estimations of radiation risk from radon inhalation in the spa of Istarske Toplice which is known as "sulfur radioactive spa". Investigations include indoor measurements around the pool and premises used for a medical cure with spring water or healing mud (fango). Since all the premises in a therapeutic ward of Istarske Toplice were interconnected, measurements were also performed in the premises for rehabilitation and electrotherapy. Taking into account observed variations in 226Ra concentrations in spring water, which lead to variability in indoor radon concentrations, measurements were repeated several times in one year in order to assess occupational exposure as accurate as possible. Indoor measurements were mostly performed at the level of about 2m above a water surface. Average annual radon activity concentrations measured at selected measuring sites inside the spa ranged from 98 ą 25 to 872 ą 112 Bqm-3. Estimated effective doses for workers who spend the whole working day at selected measuring sites ranged from 1.5 ą 0.1 to 6.3 ą 0.8 mSvy-1. Analyses of chromosome aberration in the blood samples of eleven workers were also included in the study.

Radon; spa; occupational exposure; effective dose

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PDF file 050 on-x.



Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Herndon, Roy

Varšava: Institute for International Cooperative Environmental Research

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