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Shallow water and shoreline ecosystems of the chespeake bay compared to the Northern Adriatic sea : transformation of habitat at the land-sea margin (CROSBI ID 24954)

Prilog u knjizi | izvorni znanstveni rad

Stevenson, Court J. ; Marušić, Janez I. ; Ozretić, Bartolo ; Marson, Anna ; Cecconii, Giovanni ; Kearney, Michael S. Shallow water and shoreline ecosystems of the chespeake bay compared to the Northern Adriatic sea : transformation of habitat at the land-sea margin // Coastal and estuarine studies / Bowman, Malcolm J. ; Mooeres, Christopher N.K. (ur.). Washington (MD): American Geophysical Union (AGU), 1999. str. 381-381-x

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Stevenson, Court J. ; Marušić, Janez I. ; Ozretić, Bartolo ; Marson, Anna ; Cecconii, Giovanni ; Kearney, Michael S.


Shallow water and shoreline ecosystems of the chespeake bay compared to the Northern Adriatic sea : transformation of habitat at the land-sea margin

At first blush, there may seem to be little similarity betwen Chesappeake Bay(CB) and the North Adriatic Sea(NA)- other than the observation that they are both wet and salty! However, despite the disparate size and marked differences both in climate and degree of underlying tectonic activity which drive these systems, it is obvious that there are common trends and problems associated with their habitas along the land-sea margin. Besides the threat of massive eutrophication in both CB and NA, rates of sea-level rise, are suprisingly similar in both systems.The secular trends in tidal records suggest remarkable correspondance over last one hundred years.The CB is more comparable in this regards to the NA than to Mississippi.

Adriatic Sea, Chesapeake Bay, climate, tectonic activity, eutrophication, agricultural land-clearing, human impact

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Podaci o knjizi

Bowman, Malcolm J. ; Mooeres, Christopher N.K.

Washington (MD): American Geophysical Union (AGU)



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