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Expression of the human XPB/ERCC-3 excision repair gene-homolog in the sponge Geodia cydonium after exposure to ultraviolet radiation (CROSBI ID 472580)

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Muller, Werner, E.G. ; Hassanein, Hamdy, M.A. ; Muller, Isabel, M. ; Batel, Renato Expression of the human XPB/ERCC-3 excision repair gene-homolog in the sponge Geodia cydonium after exposure to ultraviolet radiation // Development of Methods for Determination of Radiosensitivity. Mainz: Akademie Gemeinnutzinger Wissenschaften, Erfurt, 1998. str. 58-72-x

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Muller, Werner, E.G. ; Hassanein, Hamdy, M.A. ; Muller, Isabel, M. ; Batel, Renato


Expression of the human XPB/ERCC-3 excision repair gene-homolog in the sponge Geodia cydonium after exposure to ultraviolet radiation

The marine demosponge Geodia cydonium encodes a gene, termed GCXPB, which displays 62% identity to the human XPB/ERCC-3 gene. The degree of DNA strand breaks induced by UVB light (300 or 1000 Jm-2)in the marine sponge paralleled the increase of expression of the GCXPB gene.

human XPB/ERCC-3 gene; Geodia cydonium; UV

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Mainz: Akademie Gemeinnutzinger Wissenschaften, Erfurt

Podaci o skupu

Development of Methods for Determination of Radiosensitivity



Mainz, Njemačka

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