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Charge dynamics in cuprate superconductors (CROSBI ID 37461)

Prilog u knjizi | izvorni znanstveni rad

Tutiš, Eduard ; Nikšić, Hrvoje ; Barišić, Slaven Charge dynamics in cuprate superconductors // From quantum mechanics to technology / Z. Petru, Z. ; Przystawa, J. ; Repcewicz, K. (ur.). Berlin : Heidelberg: Springer, 1997. str. 161-175

Podaci o odgovornosti

Tutiš, Eduard ; Nikšić, Hrvoje ; Barišić, Slaven


Charge dynamics in cuprate superconductors

In this lecture we present some interesting issues that arise when the dynamics of the charge carriers in the CuO$_2$ planes of the high temperature superconductors is considered. Based on the qualitative picture of doping, set by experiments and some previous calculations, we consider the strength of various inter and intra-cell charge transfer susceptibilities, the question of Coulomb screening and charge collective modes. The starting point is the usual {; ; it p-d}; ; model extended by the long range Coulomb (LRC) interaction. Within this model it is possible to examine the case in which the LRC forces frustrate the electronic phase separation, the instability which is present in the model without an LRC interaction. While the static dielectric function in such systems is negative down to arbitrarily small wavevectors, the system is not unstable. We consider the dominant electronic charge susceptibilities and possible consequences for the lattice properties.

charge dynamics. cuprate superconductors, phase separation

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Podaci o knjizi

Z. Petru, Z. ; Przystawa, J. ; Repcewicz, K.

Berlin : Heidelberg: Springer



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