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Microcontrolled bite force measurement (CROSBI ID 473573)

Prilog sa skupa u zborniku | sažetak izlaganja sa skupa

Živko-Babić, Jasenka ; Ivaniš, Tomislav ; Cifrek, Mario ; Mađarević, Ratko ; Pižeta, Ivanka ; Juraj, D. Microcontrolled bite force measurement // Abstracts 2nd World Congress of Hungarian Dentists. Budimpešta, 1996. str. 83-83

Podaci o odgovornosti

Živko-Babić, Jasenka ; Ivaniš, Tomislav ; Cifrek, Mario ; Mađarević, Ratko ; Pižeta, Ivanka ; Juraj, D.


Microcontrolled bite force measurement

Maximum bite forces are related to the health of the masticatory system. They could be defined as a condition, expression and measurement of masticatory function. There are several techniques, (mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, piezoelectric, ect.) as well as many devices for the bite force measurement. After extensive use of the mechanical gnathodynamometer, it was interesting to construct a more sensitive device. The electronic gnathodynamometer is a microprocessor auto-regulated device for bite force measurements consisting of a measuring force converter and an electronic measuring device. Maximum applied forceas as well as total time T1 and T2 are recorded during one measuring cycle of 10 seconds duration. Measured bite force values are recorded in the devices memory and bite force parameters (Fax, T1 and T2) are displyed on the screen. Measured bite force values may also be temporarily saved and through a serial port connection be transferred to the personal computer for long term storage and further evaluation. Force signals may be put on hard copy using an analogue printer. The knowledge of bite forces is especially important for general diagnostic purposes, in treatment planning, during treatment procedures and for evaluation of completed reconstructive interventions. The application of this knowledge could be found in the evaluation of other oral procedures as well.

bite force measurement

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2nd world congress of Hungarian dentists



Budimpešta, Mađarska

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