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Definition of environmental geochemical baselines for soils developed on carbonate bedrock from the Croatian karst (CROSBI ID 473640)

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Miko, Slobodan ; Peh, Zoran ; Halamić, Josip Definition of environmental geochemical baselines for soils developed on carbonate bedrock from the Croatian karst // Agriculture and forestry on karst, Summaries of the Scientific meeting with international participation / Maleš, Petar ; Maceljski, Milan (ur.). Zagreb: Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti (HAZU), 2000. str. 19-21-x

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Miko, Slobodan ; Peh, Zoran ; Halamić, Josip


Definition of environmental geochemical baselines for soils developed on carbonate bedrock from the Croatian karst

Geochemical baselines, or natural background concentrations for an element refers to its natural variations in contents in the secondary (surficial) environment (soils, stream sediments, lake sediments). The term žgeochemical baseline’ was officially introduced in 1993 in the context of the IGCP 360 project Global Geochemical Baselines. geochemical baselines are of essential importance in environmental legislation, which prescribes limits for heavy metals in contaminated land and other surficial materials as defined by environmental authorities. This is complicated as indicated by regional geochemical data that show that natural background concentration vary widely due to differences in basic geology. Also the several different backgrounds can be defined depending on the sampled media of overburden, grain size, analytical method and so on. In the secondary environments the geochemical background changes regionally with the basic geology and in areas with sedimentary rocks such as carbonates in the Croatian karst regions it remains the same over a wide region. Since in karst regions of Croatia regolith is the only favorable medium for geochemical baseline mapping, soil samples from coastal and inland Dinaric karst terrains were collected during the iongoing project The Basic Geochemical Map of Croatia at a density of 1 site/25 km2. The reuslts of analysis of a total of 750 soil samples taken from the depth of 0-20cm and seived to -0.063mm from the whole Dinaric karst region were used to define geochemical baseline for the following elements Al, Ba, As, Ca, Na, K, P, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ga, La, Mg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Th, Sr, Ti, V and Zn concentrations. Also a stoichiometric approach is applied by modeling soil geochemical baselines on the basis of linear regressions of metals on Al and the calculation of enrichment factors and cultural enrichment factors (EF and CEFs). As a basis for these calculations reference soils with presumed least anthropogenic influence from the island of Mljet (total of 90 samples) was used. Comparison of elemental concentrations revealed a significant difference in trace element content of soils from the karst regions and those of the non karstic NW Croatia and less pronounced variation within the carbonate regions. Due to significant concentration differences in soils from karstic and non karstic terrain a universal background model for the whole territory of Croatia was found not to be applicable Only a small number of studied samples show enrichment in Pb, Zn, Cr (EF>2) connected with traffic (urban samples) and atmospheric deposition (NP Risnjak). The spatial distribution of both raw data and EF’s are presented on the geochemical maps.

Geochemical baselines; Soil; Carbonate bedrock; Karst region; Croatia

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Maleš, Petar ; Maceljski, Milan

Zagreb: Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti (HAZU)

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Unapređenje poljoprivrede i šumarstva na kršu



Split, Hrvatska

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