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Gaspeite and associated Ni-rich minerals from veins in altered ultrabasic rocks from Duboštica, Bosnia and Hercegovina (CROSBI ID 474345)

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Bermanec, Vladimir ; Sijarić, Galiba ; Kniewald, Goran Gaspeite and associated Ni-rich minerals from veins in altered ultrabasic rocks from Duboštica, Bosnia and Hercegovina // Abstracts of the 31st International Geological Congress. Rio de Janeiro, 2000. str. CD ROM-x

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Bermanec, Vladimir ; Sijarić, Galiba ; Kniewald, Goran


Gaspeite and associated Ni-rich minerals from veins in altered ultrabasic rocks from Duboštica, Bosnia and Hercegovina

The following suite of nickel minerals was found in veins of hydrothermally altered ultramafic rocks: gaspéite, retgersite and nickelhexahydrite. Unit cell dimensions of the minerals are: gaspéite a 4.648(3), c 14.95(2) Å (rhombohedral a 5.660 Å, α 48.49°) V 279.7 Å3; retgersite a 6.787(5), c 18.27(2) Å, V 842(1) Å3; nickelhexahydrite a 9.925(7), b 7.232(7), c 24.16(2), β 98.55(7), V 1715(2) Å3. The means of four sets of ICP AES data for gaspéite from Duboštica, BiH are: NiO 49.63, MgO 0.17, CaO 0.45, FeO 6.36, CO2 43.25, Total 99.87 wt.%. This gives the empirical formula (based on 3 oxygens) (Ni0.73Fe0.10Ca0.01)Σ0.84C1.08O3.00. In the described association of nickel minerals from Duboštica, the attainment of a series of kinetically controlled transitory equilibria results in the paragenetic formation of metastable mineral phases.

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31st International Geological Congress



Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Povezanost rada

Geologija, Kemija