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Between the Communities of Origin and Settlement: Three Adjustment Strategies of Croatian Migrants in the 1990s (CROSBI ID 25155)

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Čapo Žmegač, Jasna Between the Communities of Origin and Settlement: Three Adjustment Strategies of Croatian Migrants in the 1990s // Roots and rituals. The construction of ethnic identities. / Dekker, Ton ; Helsloot, John ; Wijers, Carla (ur.). Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis, 2000. str. 355-369-x

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Čapo Žmegač, Jasna


Between the Communities of Origin and Settlement: Three Adjustment Strategies of Croatian Migrants in the 1990s

The article describes adjustment strategies of ethnic Croatian population which in the early 1990s migrated from the province of Voivodina (Srijem) and settled in Croatia. They have been studied in a village of settlement of a larger number of those people, in northeastern Croatia. Three strategies have been identified: a negative ethnocentric type, a positive resignation type and a positive citizenship type.

migration, identity, Croats from Srijem

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Podaci o knjizi

Dekker, Ton ; Helsloot, John ; Wijers, Carla

Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis



Povezanost rada

Etnologija i antropologija