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[G21.002] Magnetoresistance, Kohler's Rule and the Absence of Temperature-Induced Interlayer Decoupling in the Bechgaard Salts (CROSBI ID 475449)

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Lee, I.J. ; Chaikin, P.M. ; Sushko Y.V. ; Korin-Hamzić, Bojana [G21.002] Magnetoresistance, Kohler's Rule and the Absence of Temperature-Induced Interlayer Decoupling in the Bechgaard Salts // Bulletin of the American Physical Society, Vol.45, No.1, March 2000 / Američko fizikalno društvo (ur.). Minneapolis (MN): Američko fizikalno društvo, 2000. str. [G21.002]-x

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Lee, I.J. ; Chaikin, P.M. ; Sushko Y.V. ; Korin-Hamzić, Bojana


[G21.002] Magnetoresistance, Kohler's Rule and the Absence of Temperature-Induced Interlayer Decoupling in the Bechgaard Salts

The magnetoresistance in the least-conducting direction for (TMTSF)_2ClO_4 and (TMTSF)_2PF_6 has been measured at ambient pressure from 0.4 K to 300 K, extending the work done in the 1980's by the Zagreb group. We have also measured the angular dependence of the magnetoresistance in the (bc) plane within this temperature range. For the ClO_4 salt, we find that \Delta \rho/\rho \sim (omega_c \tau)^2 \sim (H/\rho)^2 for H\perp I over the entire range up to room temperature, which is consistent with the Zagreb group's results up to 200 K. Kohler's Rule is the conventional test for coherent transport. The direct implication is that the scattering mechanism which governs the transport in the least-conducting direction remains unchanged over the entire temperature range. Our finding precludes any temperature-induced interlayer decoupling, and completely rules out the possibility of a Luttinger liquid at room temperature. The PF_6 salt shows a more complex behavior below the SDW transition (near 12 K) and also above \sim200 K. The unusual angular-dependent magnetoresistance in the SDW state will also be discussed.

Organic conductors; transport properties; magnetotransport

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Američko fizikalno društvo

Minneapolis (MN): Američko fizikalno društvo

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APS March Meeting 2000



Minneapolis (MN), Sjedinjene Američke Države

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