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Enhanced osteogenesis : Systemic consequence of traumatic brain injury (CROSBI ID 23758)

Prilog u knjizi | izvorni znanstveni rad

Wildburger, Renata ; Žarković, Neven ; Borović, Suzana ; Žarković, Kamelija ; Kejla, Zvonko Enhanced osteogenesis : Systemic consequence of traumatic brain injury // Shock, sepsis, and organ failure - brain damage secondary to hemorrhagic - traumatic shock, sepsis, and traumatic brain injury / Schlag, G. ; Redl, H. ; Traber, D. (ur.). Heidelberg: Springer, 1997. str. 305-318

Podaci o odgovornosti

Wildburger, Renata ; Žarković, Neven ; Borović, Suzana ; Žarković, Kamelija ; Kejla, Zvonko


Enhanced osteogenesis : Systemic consequence of traumatic brain injury

Patients with severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) and fractures of long bones and/or large joints very often develop an enchanced osteogenesis with hypertrophic callus formation and/or heterotopic periarticular ossifications. The reason for that fenomenon is still unclear. Humoral factors of local and systamic genesis probably play an important role. We have examined that in cultures of human bone cells by adding human sera taken from 3 groups of patients as well from healthy subjects : group I (patients with TBI and fractures of long bones), group II (TBI only), group III (fractures only). The sera have been taken weekly during the first 3 months after injury. Human bone cells have been seeded on bovine bone matrix as tissue cultures and the reaction of the different sera on the growth of bone cells was examined under microscope. In those cultures to which the sera of the patients of groups I or II (patients with TBI) were added an intensive bone growth happened during the first 4 weeks in vitro which was similar to heterotopic ossifications and hypertrophic callus formation observed in vivo in the x-rays.

trauma, brain, bone, healing, regeneration, in vitro assays, neuropathology

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Podaci o knjizi

Schlag, G. ; Redl, H. ; Traber, D.

Heidelberg: Springer



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Temeljne medicinske znanosti