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Caulerpa taxifolia (Chlorophyta) in the north Adriatic Sea at Malinska (Krk Island, Croatia) (CROSBI ID 475604)

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Zavodnik, Nevenka ; Travizi, Ana ; Jaklin, Andrej ; Labura, Željka Caulerpa taxifolia (Chlorophyta) in the north Adriatic Sea at Malinska (Krk Island, Croatia) // Third International Workshop on Caulerpa taxifolia / Boudouresque, C.F ; Gravez, V ; Meinesz, A. (ur.). Marseille: GIS Posidonie, 1998. str. 175-184-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Zavodnik, Nevenka ; Travizi, Ana ; Jaklin, Andrej ; Labura, Željka


Caulerpa taxifolia (Chlorophyta) in the north Adriatic Sea at Malinska (Krk Island, Croatia)

Variations in the covering and morphology were studied in a green alga Caulerpa taxifolia settlement at the Malinska harbour (Krk Island, north Adriatic Sea). In this area, Caulerpa was first noted in 1995. Presently the alga coveres an area of about 1 ha growing on a silty sandy bottom at 4-15m depth. In the period of its most luxurious growth 6000 fronds ("leaves") 10 to 15 cm long were noted per square metre. The stolons could reach 40-130 m in length over the same surface. By the end of the winter and in the spring the "leaves" began to necrose progressively. During summer months, new green fronds appeared from necrosed algal fragments. Investigations were interrupted in February 1996 when the algal settlement had been extirpated with a diver's suction pump. At the recently colonized area, a preliminary survey of epibionthic meiofauna was performed in August 1997.

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Boudouresque, C.F ; Gravez, V ; Meinesz, A.

Marseille: GIS Posidonie

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