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Decomposition of sedimentary organic matter in the recent sediment of Makirina Bay (CROSBI ID 475609)

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Lojen, Sonja ; Ogrinc, Nives ; Dolenec, Tadej ; Mihelčić, Goran ; Branica, Marko Decomposition of sedimentary organic matter in the recent sediment of Makirina Bay // Book of Abstract. Cavtat, 2000

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Lojen, Sonja ; Ogrinc, Nives ; Dolenec, Tadej ; Mihelčić, Goran ; Branica, Marko


Decomposition of sedimentary organic matter in the recent sediment of Makirina Bay

Fluxes of dissolved nutrients in the peloid mud of Makirina Bay (Croatia) were estimated in in-situ incubation experiments and compared to those calculated from a diagenetic model based on concentration depth profiles in the pore water extracted from a sediment core at the same sampling site. Comparison of the modelled fluxes of nutrients across the sediment/water interface and those measured using in-situ benthic chambers showed quite good agreement. However, the calculated fluxes were underestimated since some relevant processes such as bioturbation and irrigation could not be estimated quantitatively and were therefore neglected.

peloid mud; sedimentary organic matter; decomposition; benthic flux; carbon; stable isotope

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2. Hrvatski Geološki Kongress



Cavtat, Hrvatska

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