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The pokladarsko kolo on the island of Lastovo (CROSBI ID 476540)

Prilog sa skupa u zborniku | sažetak izlaganja sa skupa | međunarodna recenzija

Niemčić, Iva The pokladarsko kolo on the island of Lastovo // Abstracts for the 21st Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Ethnochoreology. July 2 - July 8, 2000. Korčula, Croatia / Zebec, Tvrtko ; Ivancich Dunin, Elsie (ur.). Zagreb: Institut za etnologiju i folklOris tiku (IEF), 2000. str. 10-10-x

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Niemčić, Iva


The pokladarsko kolo on the island of Lastovo

Lastovo is a small Dalmatian island, the island of Korčula's nearest neighbor to the south. The village of Lastovo itself has a population of 700 and the Lastovo carnival has taken place there every year for decades. In this paper, I shall concentrate exclusively on the dance that is a component part of this exceptionally rich carnival event, which lasts several days. On Shrove Tuesday when the entire event reaches its climax, the 'pokladari' (men only) dance the pokladarsko kolo - a carnival chain dance with swords. At almost the same time as the pokladari, the 'lijepe maškare' /the lovely masks/ (mainly women and children) dance the 'lastovsko kolo' /the Lastovo dance/ which is very similar to the pokladarsko chain dance with swords, although there are also numerous differences. In my report, I endeavor to establish whether the dances in question are in fact - although seemingly similar - different dances ; or whether they represent one and the same dance whose complexity and diversity in interpretation is closely linked with clan and gender, and the role of the performer, as well as with the power structure and the imposed norm.

sword dance; carnival; Croatia

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Zebec, Tvrtko ; Ivancich Dunin, Elsie

Zagreb: Institut za etnologiju i folklOris tiku (IEF)

Podaci o skupu

21st Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Ethnochoreology



Korčula, Hrvatska

Povezanost rada

Etnologija i antropologija, Znanost o umjetnosti