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Spectroscopic investigation of the rubidium resonance line (CROSBI ID 477028)

Prilog sa skupa u zborniku | izvorni znanstveni rad | međunarodna recenzija

Rieper, T. ; Rose, T. ; Helbig, V. ; Veža, D. Spectroscopic investigation of the rubidium resonance line // Spectral Line Shapes, Vol. 9; AIP Conference Proc. 386 / Zoppi, M ; Ulivi, L. (ur.). New York (NY): American Institute of Physics (AIP), 1996. str. 267-268-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Rieper, T. ; Rose, T. ; Helbig, V. ; Veža, D.


Spectroscopic investigation of the rubidium resonance line

Diode laser spectroscopy has been used to investigate the pressure broadening and the saturation behaviour of the Rb resonance line at 780nm. A grating stabilized diode laser in Littrow mount was used to obtain absorption profiles as well as Doppler-free spectra where the HF-structure of the rubidium line could be resolved.

rubidium; resonance line; laser diode

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Zoppi, M ; Ulivi, L.

New York (NY): American Institute of Physics (AIP)

Podaci o skupu

13th International Conference on Spectral Line Shapes



Firenca, Italija

Povezanost rada
