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Medna White (Vitis vinifera L.)Amplelographic Characteristic (CROSBI ID 477448)

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Pezo, Ivan ; Bubić, Josip ; Budić-Leto, Irena Medna White (Vitis vinifera L.)Amplelographic Characteristic // Book of invited papers and abstracts / Pejić, Ivan ; Mirošević, Nikola (ur.). Zagreb: Faculty of Agriculture University of Zagreb, 2000. str. 70-70

Podaci o odgovornosti

Pezo, Ivan ; Bubić, Josip ; Budić-Leto, Irena


Medna White (Vitis vinifera L.)Amplelographic Characteristic

Medna white (Vitis vinifera L.) is an autochtonous variety of the Vrgorac vineyard area. Synonyms mentioned in some villages on the Pelješac peninsula (bumba, rizavac) and Dubrovnik littoral (buboj, bumba) certify that Medna white was grown in this region. However, it remains uncertain when and how this cultivar originated. It has not been mentioned in the literature except in Dalmatian ampelography (Bulić, 1949). Based on its botanical characteristics and according to the classification of cultivated wine varieties, Vitis vinifera L., this variety belongs to the eco-geographical group of Proles Pontica, Negr., Subproles balcanica. The most important agrobiological characteristics of Medna white are the following: vegetation season lasts 234 days ; 164 days are required from the onset of vegetation to full maturity ; the variety has regular and normal fertilization ; on the average, it aborts 16.12 percent of buds per vine ; the relative and the absolute fertility coefficients are 0.78 and 1.13, respectively. It belongs to the varieties of middle KRR. The average cluster weight is 366 g and the average yield per vine 3.31 kg. It matures in the 3rd epocha, thus it belongs to the lateseason varieties. The sugar concentration in must fluctuates from 15.9 to 17.8 percent, and total acidity from 5.8 to 6.7 g/l. Medna white wine is light greenish-yellowish in colour, pleasantly sour, harmonious, rounded and smooth, with pleasant and emphasized variety aroma. It is dry, with alcohol concentration a little under 10.5 volume percent, total acidity higher than 6 g/l and extracts higher than 17 g/l. The highest yield per vine of 3.97 kg, or 257.81 dt per hectar, was achieved with loads of 24 buds and miscellaneous pruning, resulting in statistically justified lowest wine quality. Short prunning resulted in the lowest yield per vine of 2.39 kg, or 155.21 dt per hectar on the average, as well as statistically justified best wine quality.

Medna bijela; ampelographic characteristic; wine; quality

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Pejić, Ivan ; Mirošević, Nikola

Zagreb: Faculty of Agriculture University of Zagreb

Podaci o skupu

Prospect for viticulture and Enology



Zagreb, Hrvatska

Povezanost rada

Poljoprivreda (agronomija)