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New results of research into some new training systems in Istria (Croatia) (CROSBI ID 478168)

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Cargnello, Giovanni ; Peršurić, Đordano ; Dragan, Paolo New results of research into some new training systems in Istria (Croatia) // GESCO Study group for Vine training systems / Innocenzo Sottile (ur.). Palermo: ICA Universita di Palermo, 1999. str. 441-447-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Cargnello, Giovanni ; Peršurić, Đordano ; Dragan, Paolo


New results of research into some new training systems in Istria (Croatia)

There is a tendency in the world today today towards applying and rationalizing machanization in viticulture and thus training systems try to adapt to the tendency. In order to follow the trend, an exsperiment with "new" training systems has been set at the Institute for Agriculture and Tourism in Poreč. The exsperiment was set with the aim of determining the possibilities (quantity and quality) and economic and social influence of "new" training systems in the agroecological conditions in Istria. The resarch was carried out on the following training systems: Istrian Guyot (GI),spur pruned cordon low (IFS), spur pruned cordon-high type niof casarsa (NC), simple curtain type spaliera cortina semplice libera (SCLS),Lyra ouverte (LY), curtian type spaliera cortina dopia (SCDL), double rows (FB) and double rows type R9 CS, on three varieties of Chardonnay, Cabarnet sauvignon and Istrian Malvazia. The data we have acquired so far enable us to present the results on the examined training systems, which show a great interest for the spur pruned cordon-high type niof casarsa (NC), simple curtain type spaliera cortina semplice libera (SCSL) and double rows (FB).

training systems; quantity; quality; vine

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Innocenzo Sottile

Palermo: ICA Universita di Palermo

Podaci o skupu

XI Giornate GESCO, Study group for vine training systems



Palermo, Italija

Povezanost rada

Poljoprivreda (agronomija)