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Glycoprotein extract /G-90) from earthworm Eisenis foetida exerts some antioxidative activity (CROSBI ID 90707)

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Grdiša, Mira ; Popović, Maja ; Hrženjak, Terezija Glycoprotein extract /G-90) from earthworm Eisenis foetida exerts some antioxidative activity // Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part A, Molecular & integrative physiology, 128 (2001), 4; 821-825-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Grdiša, Mira ; Popović, Maja ; Hrženjak, Terezija


Glycoprotein extract /G-90) from earthworm Eisenis foetida exerts some antioxidative activity

Antioxidants protect DNA, proteins and lipids in the body from damage. These types of damages are a major contributor to aging and to degenerative diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, immune-system decline, brain dysfunction, and cataracts. The effect of glycolipoprotein extract of Eisenia foetida (G-90) as an antioxidant was investigated in cultured human fibroblasts and epithelial cells. After treatment of the cells with H2O2 for 4 h, G-90 completely allows the cells to recover and stimulated their growth. When the cells were incubated with G-90 48 h before the treatment with H2O2, the oxidative damage of the cells did not occur. Thus, G-90 had an apparent protective effect against the toxicity of H2O2 and stimulated the growth of the cells. Ascorbic acid, a known antioxidant, did not allow the growth of the cells to recover after damage nor did it protect them, unless it was added simultaneously with H2O2. The antioxidative activity of G-90, together with its antibacterial and mitogen activities, could be useful in the study of G-90 as a wound healing agent.

antioxidant; Eisenia foetida; glycolipoprotein; hydrogen peroxide; cell lines; proliferation; G-90; earthworm

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