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Influence of pollinators on grape quantity and quality of muscat rose of porec (CROSBI ID 478943)

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Persurić, Đordano ; Persurić, Mario ; Dragan, Paolo Influence of pollinators on grape quantity and quality of muscat rose of porec // Proceedings of the International Symposium on The Importance of Varietes and Clones in the Production of Quality Wine / E. Hajdu (ur.). Briž: International Society for Horticultural Science, 1997. str. 145-147-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Persurić, Đordano ; Persurić, Mario ; Dragan, Paolo


Influence of pollinators on grape quantity and quality of muscat rose of porec

Muscat rose of Porec has a functional pistillate inflorescence so that the pollination has to be done by other cultivars. The reserch was carried out on the old plantation "Ticarica" in the period 1995-1996. The influence of three pollinators (Merlot, Teran, and borgonja) on the yield and grape quality of Muscat rose of Porec was investigated. The vines pollinated by Borgonja gave the highest yield, followed by those pollinated by Teran and finally by those pollinated by Merlot. Invines pollinated by Borgonja and Teran and finally by those pollinated by Merlot. In vines pollinated by Borgonja and Teran big and middle big barries predominated. Most of the vines pollinated by Merlot had thin clusters, while most of those pollinated by Borgonja and Teran has middle compact clusters. The must from the vines pollinated by Merlot had the highest sugar and the lowst acid contents; that from the vines pollinated by Borgonja the lowest sugar and the highest acids contents and that from the vines pollinated by Teran has middling sugar and acid contents. All three tested cultivars are suitable as pollinators for Muscat rose of Porec.

Muscat rose of Poreč; pollination; pollinator; yield; grape quality

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

E. Hajdu

Briž: International Society for Horticultural Science

Podaci o skupu

Importance of Varietes and Clones in the Production of Quality Wine



Kecskemét, Mađarska

Povezanost rada

Poljoprivreda (agronomija)