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Impact of partly defoliation on must and wine quality of Chardonnay variety on the short cut cordon (CROSBI ID 479061)

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Peršurić, Đordano ; Cargnello, Giovanni ; Bratović, Ivan Impact of partly defoliation on must and wine quality of Chardonnay variety on the short cut cordon // Book of invited papers and abstracts / Pejić, Ivan ; Mirošević, Nikola (ur.). Zagreb: Agronomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2000. str. 65-65-x

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Peršurić, Đordano ; Cargnello, Giovanni ; Bratović, Ivan


Impact of partly defoliation on must and wine quality of Chardonnay variety on the short cut cordon

Chardonnay is variety which was introduction in Istria and which in agriecological conditions of Istria gives a wine of high quality. New technologies of cultivation on short cut cordons are reducing needs for humans work in one hand and on the other hand increase upgrouth of diseases, especially Phomopsis viticola. Also on mentioned cultivation forms appears a problem of how to maintain a must quality, because of high products on acre yield (more then 1,5 t/ha). By using partly defoliation technology before inflorescence in less insolating side of the plantation we can get necessary must quality for high quality wine and decreased evolution of diseases, especially Phomopsis viticola. Experiments in the future will be directed on the evaluation of optimal periods of time and intensity of taking down leafs for partly defoliation technology.

party defolation; wine quality; chardonnay

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Pejić, Ivan ; Mirošević, Nikola

Zagreb: Agronomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu

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Zagreb, Hrvatska

Povezanost rada

Poljoprivreda (agronomija)