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The optimal bud loading on spur pruned cordon of cv. Chardonnay (CROSBI ID 479125)

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Peršurić Đordano ; Kovačević Vesna ; Staver Mario The optimal bud loading on spur pruned cordon of cv. Chardonnay // Prospect for viticulture and enology / Pejić I, Mirošević N. (ur.). Zagreb: Agronomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2000. str. 67-x

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Peršurić Đordano ; Kovačević Vesna ; Staver Mario


The optimal bud loading on spur pruned cordon of cv. Chardonnay

The optimal bud loading on spur pruned cordon of cv. Chardonnay is in the course of investigation. The results of a two-year long experiment related to the influence of different bud loading (30, 35 and 40 buds per vine), in three repetitions, on the quality and quantity of cv. Chardonanny were interpreted. The number of clusters per vine and their weight were recorded at the harvest. Based on these data, the average weight of one cluster was determined. Sugar content, titratable acidity and the pH were analysed for representative samples of each bud loading and repetition. Data were statistically processed and subjected to the analysis of variance. The differences were tested using the Duncan-test

Chardonnay; bud lading; quality; yield

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Pejić I, Mirošević N.

Zagreb: Agronomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu

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International Conference



Bratislava, Slovačka

Povezanost rada

Poljoprivreda (agronomija)