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n-Octanol/water partition coefficients and sorption behaviour of triazine herbicides and some of their degradation products (CROSBI ID 462997)

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Fröbe, Zlatko ; Štengl, Božena ; Lovrec, Iva ; Drevenkar, Vlasta n-Octanol/water partition coefficients and sorption behaviour of triazine herbicides and some of their degradation products // Proceedings of the COST 66 Workshop Pesticides in Soil and the Environment, Abstracts / Suett, David L. (ur.). Commission of the European Communities, 1996. str. 49-50-x

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Fröbe, Zlatko ; Štengl, Božena ; Lovrec, Iva ; Drevenkar, Vlasta


n-Octanol/water partition coefficients and sorption behaviour of triazine herbicides and some of their degradation products

The sorption of four commonly used triazine herbicides (atrazine, simazine, prometryn, ametryn) and of six degradation products of atrazine was investigated in a soil containing 1.5% of organic matter. The relation between compounds" n-octanol/water partition coefficients and their sorption coefficients normalised to the organic matter content was tested. The differences in the relations of sorption intensity versus solute hydrophobicity were observed between triazine herbicides and structurally related degradation products. The results revealed the necessity of more detailed investigation of triazine sorption mechanisms in natural sorbents in order to achieve a better understanding of their environmental fate.

atrazine; simazine; ametryn; prometryn; deethylatrazine; deisopropylatrazine; dealkylatrazine; hydroxyatrazine; deisopropylhydroxyatrazine; deethylhydroxyatrazine; hydrophobicity; n-octanol/water partition coefficients; sorption; soil

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Suett, David L.

Commission of the European Communities

Podaci o skupu

COST 66 Workshop "Pesticides in Soil and the Environment"



Stratford-upon-Avon, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo

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