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Redox kinetics measurements of cinoline surface reaction using square-wave voltammetry (CROSBI ID 481680)

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Komorsky-Lovrić, Šebojka Redox kinetics measurements of cinoline surface reaction using square-wave voltammetry // ELACH 5 , Abstracts / Heinze, J; Nann, T; Urban, G.A (ur.). Freiburg: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, 2001. str. P03-x

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Komorsky-Lovrić, Šebojka


Redox kinetics measurements of cinoline surface reaction using square-wave voltammetry

Kinetics parameter of redox reaction of cinoline adsorbed on the mercury electrode surface is measured by using the phenomenon of the quasi-reversible maximum in the square-wave voltammetry. The method is based on a nonlinear dependence of the voltammetric currents (DiP) on the square-wave frequency (f). The currents are recorded in a wide range of frequencies and the ratios DiP / f are plotted as the function of the frequency. This relationship exhibits maximum and the frequency at which the maximum appears is used for the calculation of the standard reaction rate constant: ks = kmax fmax The theoretically calculated critical kinetic parameter kmax depends on the transfer coefficient a and on the product between the square-wave amplitude and the number of electrons in the redox reaction, but it is independent of the amount of initially adsorbed reactant if there are no interactions between the adsorbed molecules. The condition is that both the reactant and the product are adsorbed on the electrode surface. The values of kmax are published for selected amplitudes and transfer coefficients [1]. The method was used for the determination of kinetics parameters of redox reactions of adsorbed azobenzene [1], alizarin red S [2], probucole [3], 5-fluorouracil [4] and indigo [5].

cinnoline; square-wave voltammetry; kinetics; redox reaction; surface; benzodiazine

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Heinze, J; Nann, T; Urban, G.A

Freiburg: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

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Freiburg im Breisgau, Njemačka

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