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Correlation between durum wheat SDS sedimentation value and gluten index method (CROSBI ID 482112)

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Jurković, Zorica ; Drezner, Georg ; Peršurić, Đordano ; Šimić, Gordana ; Novoselović, Dario Correlation between durum wheat SDS sedimentation value and gluten index method // 3rd International Croatian Congress of Cereal Technologists Flour - Bread `01 : abstract book = 3. međunarodni hrvatski kongres tehnologa proizvodnje i prerade brašna Brašno - kruh `01 : zbornik sažetaka / Hardi-Ugarčić, Žaneta (ur.). Zagreb, 2001. str. 40-40

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Jurković, Zorica ; Drezner, Georg ; Peršurić, Đordano ; Šimić, Gordana ; Novoselović, Dario


Correlation between durum wheat SDS sedimentation value and gluten index method

Durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. Var durum) has the hardest kernel of all wheats and is used to make semolina, which is used to make pasta products. Durum wheat with strong gluten characteristics forms strong, nonstick dough desirable for pasta processing. The SDS (sodium dodecyl sulphate)-sedimentation value of wheat is a rough measure of gluten strength and extensibility. It is defined primarily by both, protein quantity and protein quality. Gluten index method also can be used for determination of quantity and quality of gluten in durum wheat flour and semolina. This study deals with SDS-sedimentation value, wet gluten content and gluten index, and their relationship, of durum wheat grown in Poreč area during two years. SDS-sedimentation value ranged from 5.4 to 14.6 ml in 2000 and from 5.9 to 13.8 ml in 2001 year. The quantity of gluten expresed as wet gluten ranged from 23.74 to 40.49% in 2000 and 13.0 to 29.13% in 2001 year. Gluten index as a quality measure varied from 44 to 96 in 2000 and from 63 to 99 in 2001. The obtained results showed that investigated durum wheats had good pasta quality. The results were statistically analysed by t-test and there wasn't found significant difference (P<0.05) neither for SDS-sedimentation value nor for Gluten index between years, while significant difference was found for wet gluten content. Good significant linear correlation between SDS-sedimentation value and Gluten index was found. There was a weak positive correlation between SDS-sedimentation value and wet gluten. According to the results obtained from the 54 samples of durum wheat in this investigation SDS-sedimentation value was as good as Gluten index for determination of gluten quality.

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Međunarodni hrvatski kongres tehnologa proizvodnje i prerade brašna Brašno - kruh `01 (3 ; 2001)



Opatija, Hrvatska

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Poljoprivreda (agronomija)