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Organochlorine compounds in human milk and food of animal origin in samples from Croatia (CROSBI ID 739113)

Prilog sa skupa u časopisu | izvorni znanstveni rad

Krauthacker, Blanka ; Reiner, Elsa Organochlorine compounds in human milk and food of animal origin in samples from Croatia // Arhiv za higijenu rada i toksikologiju. 2001. str. 217-227-x

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Krauthacker, Blanka ; Reiner, Elsa


Organochlorine compounds in human milk and food of animal origin in samples from Croatia

Human milk and food of animal origin (milk, meat, and fish)have been analysed over several decades for DDT-complex, PCBs, HCB, and HCH-isomers. Human milk has also been analysed for PCDDs and PCDFs. Human milk samples were collected in six inland sites and one island, and food samples in marketplaces, and individual households throughtout Croatia. All human milk samples contained DDE and PCBs, and almost all food samples contained the DDT-complex. All analysed pools of human milk contained PCDDs and PCDFs. Levels of most analysed compounds show a decreasing trend over the past decade. The obtained data were the basis for the calculation of the daily intake of organochlorine compounds in breast-fed infants and adults.

calculated daily intake; DDT-complex; dioxins; organochlorine pesticides; PCBs; PCDDs; PCDFs

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