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Ultrastructural changes of endosymbiotic alga from green hydra under the influence of ciprofloxacin (CROSBI ID 482330)

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Kovačević, Goran ; Kalafatić, Mirjana ; Ljubešić, Nikola ; Šunjić, Hrvojka Ultrastructural changes of endosymbiotic alga from green hydra under the influence of ciprofloxacin // Abstracts of The 5th Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy / Dini, L. ; Catalano, M. (ur.). Princeton (NJ): Rinton Press, 2001. str. 217-217

Podaci o odgovornosti

Kovačević, Goran ; Kalafatić, Mirjana ; Ljubešić, Nikola ; Šunjić, Hrvojka


Ultrastructural changes of endosymbiotic alga from green hydra under the influence of ciprofloxacin

The toxic effect of antibiotic ciprofloxacino on the ultrastrucfures of endosymbiotic alga from green hydra (Hydra viridissima Pallas) was studied. The individuals of green alga (Chlorella vulgaris are placed in gastrodermal myoepithelial cells of hydrra, as endosymbionts. Green hydras were treated under laboratory conditions with 1 g/L and 5 g/L of water solution of ciprofloxacin. For electronic microscopy treated and control animals were fixed with 1% glutaraldehyde pH 6.9, buffered with 0.01% Na-cacodylate and postfixed with l% osmium-tetroxide buffered with the same buffer. Afterwards material was dehydrated in ethanol-series, immersed in araaldite and cut with the glass knife on the ultaramicrotome. Preperations were dyed with Pb-citrate and uranyl-acetate. Micrographs werem made by the electronic microscope Zeiss EMl0A. It was remarked that ciprofloxacin has the strongest effect on the ultrastructures of green alga 72hs after the treatment, especially the higher concentration. Antichloroplastal and antimitochondrial effect was the most expressed. Ciprofloxacin blocks the synthesis of bacterial DNA by inhibition of the DNAgyrase enzyme. Since it is assumed that chloroplastsa and mitochondria have the eubacterial origin, it was expected to trace damagese exactly on these organelles. Changes were observed also on the structures of other cell-components such as ribosomes and plastoglobules. Also, different membrane structures formed as the effect of antibiotic treatment like osmiophyllic and myeline figures in the vacuoles of algae could be observed. Less damaged organisms recovered after a period of time and made normal symbiotic interactio again.

endosymbiotic alga ; green hydra ; ciprofloxacin

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Dini, L. ; Catalano, M.

Princeton (NJ): Rinton Press

Podaci o skupu

Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy (5 ; 2001)



Lecce, Italija

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