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Integration of GIS and Relational Database for the Trans-National Monitoring Network in the Danube River Basin (CROSBI ID 482546)

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Ružić, Ivica ; Pečar-Ilić, Jadranka Integration of GIS and Relational Database for the Trans-National Monitoring Network in the Danube River Basin // Proc. of the International Workshop on Information for Sustainable Water Management / Timmerman, Jos G. et al. (Eds.) (ur.). Nunspeet: RIZA, 2001. str. 457-465-x

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Ružić, Ivica ; Pečar-Ilić, Jadranka


Integration of GIS and Relational Database for the Trans-National Monitoring Network in the Danube River Basin

The Environmental Programme for the Danube River Basin was established to reduce the pollution load in the region. Water quality is managed by the Monitoring, Laboratory and Information Management expert group. A Data Exchange File Format (DEFF) relational database was used for the storage, processing and exchange of the Trans-National Monitoring Network (TNMN) data. The Croatian Reference Laboratory became the Central Point for the collection and merging of the TNMN Data for the entire Danube River Basin. Using Autodesk MapGuide products, we integrated the digital vector-based map of the Danube River basin with the DEFF relational database. A dynamic web application was created using the Autodesk MapGuide™ Author and Active Server Pages (ASP) tools. The application is created in such a way that the amount of information visible is controlled by the scale of the digital map in the viewer. Different reports as well as dynamic, thematic maps may be created automatically on demand by the user for the selected year and determinand (officially accepted term for parameter determined). The aim of this paper is to describe the state of this research and the possibility of using Autodesk products for the management of water related environmental data.

Water quality; Danube River Basin; Trans-National Monitoring Network; dynamic web application; digital map; relational database; dynamic reports; ASP; Autodesk MapGuide™

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Timmerman, Jos G. et al. (Eds.)

Nunspeet: RIZA

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Povezanost rada

Geologija, Elektrotehnika