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Nematofauna of the Adriatic Sea: Taxonomy and diversity of free-living Nematodes species (CROSBI ID 482858)

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Travizi, Ana ; Vidaković, Jasna Nematofauna of the Adriatic Sea: Taxonomy and diversity of free-living Nematodes species // Global Biodiversity Research in Europe. International Seckenberg Conference. / Turkay, Michael; Peters, D. Stefan; Plodowski, G. et al. (ur.). Frankfurt: The linnean Society,London; Societe Francaise de Systematique, 1996. str. 76-x

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Travizi, Ana ; Vidaković, Jasna


Nematofauna of the Adriatic Sea: Taxonomy and diversity of free-living Nematodes species

Summarizing results of nematofauna investigations performed in Mediterranean till the half of current century, Allgen (1942) and Schuurmans-Stekhoven (1950) listed 65 nematodes species noted in different parts of the Adriatic Sea. Several later studies (Wieser, 1959; Ott, 1967; Zavodnik, 1974, Matijaši & Štirn, 1975, Sergeeva, 1981, Ceccherelli & Chevidalli,1981) had preceded the recent more intensive research - performed with different intensity and frequency at 35 stations within seven North Adriatic localities (Vidakovi , 1982, 1983, 1984 a, 1984 b, 1987, 1988; Vidakovi & Zavodnik, 1984; Zavodnik & Vidakovi , 1985; Travizi & Vidakovi , 1994; Travizi, 1996). Since from the eighties, the data on Adriatic nematofauna increased significantly, it appeared inevitable to collect and unite existing data (most of them are unpublished or scattered in local journals), with an aim to evaluate the state of knowledge and diversity of Adriatic Sea nematofauna. For that purpose, the results of previous research were compiled in a form of faunistic check-list and completed by species occurrences, geographical distribution, and - if available - by remarks related to habitat features and role of abundant species in regions studied. In all, 281 free-living nematode species comprised in 133 genera and 34 families were noted.The position of species characterized by high populations densities, their importance and contribution to faunistic composition of certain parts of Adriatic were also discuss. Similar to other regions in the world seas, the Adriatic nematofauna was only partially studied, most in areas located in around of local scientific institutions activities. The studies of South and Central Adriatic nematofauna were quite scarce and insufficient. Northern Adriatic nematofauna is by far the best known, although in this part, the study of offshore and sandy sediments were not provided sufficiently. Nevertheless, insufficient knowledge of nematofauna from exposed coastal habitats, offshore sediments, and especially of sandy bottoms, suggest a considerably greater diversity and richness in the North Adriatic region too.

nematofauna;biodiversity; Adriatic Sea

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Turkay, Michael; Peters, D. Stefan; Plodowski, G.; Zizka, G.

Frankfurt: The linnean Society,London; Societe Francaise de Systematique

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International Seckenberg Conference. Global Biodiversity Research in Europe.



Frankfurt na Majni, Njemačka

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