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Cuneiform recognition experiments: coherent optical methods and results (CROSBI ID 463036)

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Wernicke, Guenther ; Demoli, Nazif ; Gruber, Hartmut ; Dahms, Uwe Cuneiform recognition experiments: coherent optical methods and results // Optical technologies in the humanities : selected contributions to the International Conference on New Technologies in the Humanities and Fourth International Conference on Optics within Life Sciences / D. Dirksen, G. von Bally (ur.). Berlin: Springer, 1997. str. 171-174-x

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Wernicke, Guenther ; Demoli, Nazif ; Gruber, Hartmut ; Dahms, Uwe


Cuneiform recognition experiments: coherent optical methods and results

The characterization of cuneiform signs by means of detection, feature enhancement and extraction, and identification is of special interest. To analyse cuneiform inscriptions, a multifunctional extended optical correlator and a joint transform correlator have been advanced. The use of methods minimizing the in-class sensitivity while maximizing the out-of-class discrimination ability is described.

optical character recognition; cuneiform inscription

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