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Illusion of diversity, reality of sameness (and vice versa): Folklore festivals in Croatia (CROSBI ID 465148)

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Ceribašić, Naila Illusion of diversity, reality of sameness (and vice versa): Folklore festivals in Croatia // 34th World Conference of the ICTM. 50th Anniversary of IFMC-ICTM. Nitra, Slovakia, 1997. Abstracts in Ethnomusicology / van Zanten, W ; Elschek, Oskár (ur.). Bratislava: Institute for Musicology - Slovak Academy of Sciences, 1997. str. 28-29-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Ceribašić, Naila


Illusion of diversity, reality of sameness (and vice versa): Folklore festivals in Croatia

The paper points out the ways in which diverse, multi-layered, living folklore music practices become transformed through folklore festivals into representative, stable and durable examples of the so-called typical repertoire of regionally organized Croatian music idioms. The second aspects involve diverse approaches to the revival, to the role and position of musicians and to the issue of expert evaluation of folklore groups.

folklore festival; Croatia

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

van Zanten, W ; Elschek, Oskár

Bratislava: Institute for Musicology - Slovak Academy of Sciences

Podaci o skupu

34th World Conference of the ICTM



Nitra, Slovačka

Povezanost rada

Etnologija i antropologija, Znanost o umjetnosti