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The Concept of Dynamic Temporal and Spatial Data Presentations on the Web (CROSBI ID 483640)

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Pečar-Ilić, Jadranka ; Skočir, Zoran ; Ružić, Ivica The Concept of Dynamic Temporal and Spatial Data Presentations on the Web // Proceeding of the International Conference on Telecommunications – ICT 2002, Volume 1 of 3 / Jintong L. (ur.). Peking: PHEI (Publishing House of Electronics Industry), 2002. str. 718-722

Podaci o odgovornosti

Pečar-Ilić, Jadranka ; Skočir, Zoran ; Ružić, Ivica


The Concept of Dynamic Temporal and Spatial Data Presentations on the Web

Efficient data management requires a timely availability and completeness of information in the form acceptable for its efficient application. The concept of dynamic temporal and spatial data presentations on the Web has shown to be the best solution for satisfying such requirements. This concept has been applied in the development of an integrated Information system for temporal and spatial presentation of complex data [1]. The Information system possesses the main characteristics of both the Geographic Information System (GIS) and DataBase Management System (DBMS). Based on the performed GIS-DBMS integration, it is possible to analyze all the necessary types of information, so that presentations such as maps, statistical reports, time series diagrams and others could be obtained. In this paper, the most significant aspects of the development of the integrated Information system by using the Object-Oriented (OO) approach and modern technologies have been brought out. Attention is also paid to the description of its interactive dynamic Web application, which enables a timely availability of relevant temporal and spatial presentations. Examples of the Web application deal with the problems from the multidisciplinary field of environmental protection [1, 2].

dynamic temporal and spatial data presentations ; integrated Information system ; GIS-DBMS integration ; maps ; statistical reports ; time series diagrams ; OO approach ; Web application ; environmental protection

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Jintong L.

Peking: PHEI (Publishing House of Electronics Industry)

Podaci o skupu

International Conference on Telecommunications – ICT 2002



Peking, Kina

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