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izvor podataka: crosbi

NF1 tumor supresor gene in colon cancer: loss of heterozygosity (CROSBI ID 483935)

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Kapitanović, Sanja ; Čačev, Tamara ; Spaventi, Radan ; Pavelić, Krešimir NF1 tumor supresor gene in colon cancer: loss of heterozygosity // International journal of cancer. 2002. str. 333-334

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Kapitanović, Sanja ; Čačev, Tamara ; Spaventi, Radan ; Pavelić, Krešimir


NF1 tumor supresor gene in colon cancer: loss of heterozygosity

Colorectal carcinomas are characterized by multiple genetic aberrations that occur during tumorigenesis. Several tumor suppressor genes associated with colorectal carcinoma have been identified: MCC and APC on chromosome 5q, p53 on chromosome 17p, nm23-H1 on chromosome 17q, and DCC and DPC4 on chromosome 18q. We examined 60 cases of human sporadic colon cancer and corresponding normal tissue samples to evaluate the loss of heterozygosity (LOH) at the NF1 gene loci. The purpose of this study was also to evaluate whether the LOH at the NF1 gene is associated with clinicopathological characteristics in sporadic colon cancer. DNAs were used for PCR, RFLP, VNTR, and LOH analysis. PCR was performed using specific pairs of primers. PCR products were analyzed by RFLP analysis, and VNTR analysis. To analyze LOH at the NF1 gene loci we used three polymorphic markers: one RFLP marker (exon 5 RsaI) and two VNTR markers (IVS27AAAT2.1 and IVS38GT53.0). Using these three polymorphic markers 50 (83.3%) patients were found heterozygous and informative for LOH analysis. DNA from 9 (18%) tumors exhibited LOH at the NF1 locus. The majority NF1 gene LOH was observed in Dukes' A (56%), in the well differentiated tumors (43%), and in the tumors that were ≤ 5cm (67%). Our results support the view that malignant progression is a consequence of more than one genetic change and suggest that inactivation of NF1 gene plays a role in a multistep process of colon tumor progression as an early event.

NF1; colon cancer; loss of heterozygosity

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Oslo: Wiley-Liss


Podaci o skupu

18th UICC International Cancer Congress



Oslo, Norveška

Povezanost rada

Temeljne medicinske znanosti, Kliničke medicinske znanosti
