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The mišnjice and the tambrlin in the kumpanija sword-dances on the island of Korčula (CROSBI ID 484166)

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Marošević, Grozdana The mišnjice and the tambrlin in the kumpanija sword-dances on the island of Korčula // Proceedings 21st Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Ethnochoreology, 2000 Korčula. / Ivancich Dunin, Elsie ; Zebec, Tvrtko (ur.). Zagreb: ICTM SG Ethnochoreology - Institut za etnologiju i folkloristiku, 2001. str. 77-81-x

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Marošević, Grozdana


The mišnjice and the tambrlin in the kumpanija sword-dances on the island of Korčula

The kumpanija chain-dances today are the most outstanding, and often the only element from earlier larger and more complex rituals whose bearers and performers were the male societies – kumpanije – which were organized up until the mid-20th century in the Korčula villages, and performed largely at carnival time and on the local patron saint's days in the individual villages. After the introductory presentation of the kumpanija and its multiple functions in the life of the local community (defense, economic, integrative and representative functions), attention is directed at the music components borne by two musical instruments – the mišnjice (bagpipe) and the tambrlin (drum). Both instruments are first presented in their historical perspective and in relation to the organological features of their variants in Croatia. Then their presence and function within the framework of the kumpanija is discussed, particularly in relation to the performance of sword-dances. And while the bagpipe is a traditional instrument for dance accompaniment, the drum is present in the kumpanija solely in those parts which are particularly military and combat-like in character, whence it was obviously introduced into this entity. It participates in the dance only in the sword-fighting figures - the moštra or škrimavanje.

music; ritual; sword-dances; bagpipe; drum; the island of Korčula; Croatia

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Ivancich Dunin, Elsie ; Zebec, Tvrtko

Zagreb: ICTM SG Ethnochoreology - Institut za etnologiju i folkloristiku

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Etnologija i antropologija, Znanost o umjetnosti