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The Differences and Changes in Style - the Example of Croatian Dance Research (CROSBI ID 465296)

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Zebec, Tvrtko The Differences and Changes in Style - the Example of Croatian Dance Research // International Council for Traditional Music, Study Group on Ethnochoreology, UNESCO, August 5-11, 1996. Abstracts of Papers / Buckland, Theresa (ur.). Třešť: ICTM: SG on Ethnochoreology - UNESCO, 1996. str. 21-21-x

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Zebec, Tvrtko


The Differences and Changes in Style - the Example of Croatian Dance Research

After the war that started in Croatia 1991, and in the times of crucial political changes, we can observe the blossoming of the different ways to show one's identity. As insider, Croatian ethnochoreologist can talk about the strong connections between the dance style and the manifold identities of the performers.

ethnochoreology; style; dance; Croatia

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Buckland, Theresa

Třešť: ICTM: SG on Ethnochoreology - UNESCO

Podaci o skupu

19th Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Ethnochoreology



Třešť, Češka Republika

Povezanost rada

Etnologija i antropologija, Znanost o umjetnosti