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Considerations about the Employment of Foreign Labour Force in the Republic of Croatia and a Basic Terminological Framework of Use for Policy-Makers (CROSBI ID 749719)

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Domini, Mirjana Considerations about the Employment of Foreign Labour Force in the Republic of Croatia and a Basic Terminological Framework of Use for Policy-Makers // ILO - Informal Network on Foreign Labour in Central and Easter Europe, Geneva ; Bratislava. 1997.

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Domini, Mirjana


Considerations about the Employment of Foreign Labour Force in the Republic of Croatia and a Basic Terminological Framework of Use for Policy-Makers

The paper explains who is a foreigner in the Republic of Croatia (what is especially significant in regard to the regulation of citizenship of the citizens of former Yugoslavia) and legal foundations for their employment in the space of Croatia (right to work as a basic human right). In this context the undocumented employment and illegal migrations respectively to the territory of Croatia and from it have been comprised. In respect to terminology the question of enjoyment or restriction of certain rights in the space of Central and Eastern Europe is a fundamental one.

foreigner; citizenship; law; employment; new migration; migrant status; rights

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ILO - Informal Network on Foreign Labour in Central and Easter Europe, Geneva ; Bratislava


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