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Modulation of cytochrome P450 1A in sea bass liver by model substances and sea water extracts (CROSBI ID 79822)

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Jakšić, Željko ; Bihari, Nevenka ; Mueller, Werner E.G. ; Zahn, Rudolf K. ; Batel, Renato Modulation of cytochrome P450 1A in sea bass liver by model substances and sea water extracts // Aquatic toxicology, 40 (1998), 2-3; 265-273-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Jakšić, Željko ; Bihari, Nevenka ; Mueller, Werner E.G. ; Zahn, Rudolf K. ; Batel, Renato


Modulation of cytochrome P450 1A in sea bass liver by model substances and sea water extracts

Immunochemical and catalytic assays for cytochrome P450 1A induction in liver of sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax treated with different model substances and organic sea water extracts have been performed. Etoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) activities in fish liver were elevated by Arochlor 1254 (Aro), 3-methylcholanthrene (MC) and ß-naphtoflavone (ßNF), but not by phenobarbital (PB) treatment. Elevated levels of P450 1A protein followed by induction of EROD activity were detected only in ßNF treated fish. Treatment of fish with organic sea water extracts revealed that there is no simple correlation between EROD activities and its catalyst P450 1A level. Sea water extracts are mixtures of chemicals that have the ability to suppress the levels of P450 1A and/or to inhibit EROD activity.

fish; cytochrome P450 1A; EROD; seawater extracts

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40 (2-3)





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