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DNA integrity alterations in evaluating genotoxic effects in the marine environment (CROSBI ID 749766)

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Batel, Renato DNA integrity alterations in evaluating genotoxic effects in the marine environment // FAO/UNEP (MED POL) Reports. 1998.

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Batel, Renato


DNA integrity alterations in evaluating genotoxic effects in the marine environment

The presence of pyrimidine dimers in unlabeled DNA (recognised as T4 endonuclease V sensitive sites) will be detected, and the quantity of pyrimidine dimers will be estimated by a simple alkaline filter elution assay. UV induced damage in DNA of phytoplankton Isochrysis galbana will be investigated. Precise determination of the amount of DNA in the presence of phytoplankton pigments will be tested with the newly developed oxazole yellow homodimer (YOYO) dye. Endonuclease - sensitive sites will be measured after UV-radiation at different doses, and the level of DNA damage (frequency of pyrimidine dimers or endonuclease sensitive sites) will be measured at different assay conditions.

DNA damage; cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers; crude oil; phytoplankton

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