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Influssi veneziani nelle musiche dei maestri dalmati del Cinque e Seicento (CROSBI ID 84244)

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Stipčević, Ennio Influssi veneziani nelle musiche dei maestri dalmati del Cinque e Seicento // Musica e storia, VI (1998), 1; 227-236-x

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Stipčević, Ennio


Influssi veneziani nelle musiche dei maestri dalmati del Cinque e Seicento

In this study some musical contact and permeations existing between Venice and Dalmatia during the 16th and 17th century are analyse. Special attention is given to two aspects of musical culture in Dalmatia: profane and church polyphonic music. Finaly, it is shown that some aspects of musical life in Dalmatia were determinated by the broad spectrum of political and ecclestical conflits at that time

musica in Dalmazia; influssi veneziani; musica e storia; conflitti eccclesiastici

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Venetian influences on the music of Dalmatian maestri of the 16th and 17th centturies

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music in Dalmatia; Venetian influences; music and history; eccsiastical conflicts

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VI (1)





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