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A few Words on History of Medicine in Medical Education (CROSBI ID 476462)

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Belicza, Biserka A few Words on History of Medicine in Medical Education // History of Science nad Technology in Education and Training in Europe / Debru, C. (ur.). Luxembourg: Europska komisija, 1999. str. 271-271-x

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Belicza, Biserka


A few Words on History of Medicine in Medical Education

Several major features are revealed which indicate that there is no unifying view of the history of medicine as an academic discipline. However, teaching history of medicine has recently undergone a remarkable intellectual development, although its broad educational value has not jet been adequately perceived by the very communities, which are directly affected by it. If we take for a fact that science education in general is essential for human development and that scientific knowledge and its application should be open to public debate which must be informed and democratic, new attitudess and goals of teaching history of medicine should be explored. In our time internatinal co-operation is necessary to define the strategy of implementing history of medicine in educational programs- by whom and for whom- with respect for specific requirements in each country. It would be very important for the future of the subject to form an International Permanent Forum for co-ordinating courses based upon the common strategy and goals, providing continual follow-up of the Teaching of History of Medicine.

teaching history of science; Europe

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Debru, C.

Luxembourg: Europska komisija

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