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Ferdo Livadić u tisku svoga doba (CROSBI ID 738953)

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Majer-Bobetko, Sanja Ferdo Livadić u tisku svoga doba // Arti musices : hrvatski muzikološki zbornik. 1999. str. 151-159-x

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Majer-Bobetko, Sanja


Ferdo Livadić u tisku svoga doba

Ferdo Livadić was present in the 19th c. Croatian Press with his published letters and as a composer aobut whom articles were written. Livadić's published letters, on one hand, and the small number of articles about him - including his first biography, written by Franjo Kuhač - on the other, reveal his spiritual position within the frames of the national Romanticism. His contemporaries pointed out the artistic scope of his compositions, on the basis of which, surprisingly, they gave more importance to Livadić than to Lisinski. These judgements changed essentially after Livadić's death, so that in the first Croatian historical survey, written by Vjenceslav Novak during the 1890s, Lisinski was shown as the most outstanding composer of the national revival period.

glazba; kritika; historiografija; Ferdo Livadić

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Ferdo Livadić in the Prints of His Time

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music; criticism; historiography; Ferdo Livadić

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