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Pleistocene Environments and Palaeolithic Occupations at Šandalja Cave (Istria, Croatia): Results from New AMS 14C Dates. (CROSBI ID 596037)

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Miracle, T. Preston ; Brajković, Dejana Pleistocene Environments and Palaeolithic Occupations at Šandalja Cave (Istria, Croatia): Results from New AMS 14C Dates. // Knjiga sažetaka 3. znanstveni INQUA skup Geologija kvartara u Hrvatskoj s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem/Book of Abstracts 3rd scientific INQUA meeting Quaternary geology in Croatia with international participation ZagrebZagreb :. Zagreb, 2013. str. 46-46

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Miracle, T. Preston ; Brajković, Dejana


Pleistocene Environments and Palaeolithic Occupations at Šandalja Cave (Istria, Croatia): Results from New AMS 14C Dates.

First results of a recent project to radiometrically date the animal remains from the fossil cave of Šandalja II (Istria, Croatia). Šandalja is an extremely important Palaeolithic site in southern Europe because of a 15-m depth of stratified deposits (Malez 1964, 1990 ; Miracle 1995, 1996, 2007), rich Upper Palaeolithic artifact assemblages (Janković et al. 2012, Karavanić 2003 ; Malez 1987 ; Montet-White and Kozlowski 1983), a diversity of ice-age mammals (Brajković 2000 ; Miracle 1995, 1996, 2007), and associations with human fossils (Janković et al. 2012 ; Malez 1972). Adequate and reliable dating of its sequence is crucial for our understanding of the timing and pacing of the appearance of the Upper Palaeolithic, use of the region as a “refugium” by Upper Palaeolithic populations during the Last Glacial Maximum, and the timing and rate of demographic expansion at the end of the last ice age. Here we report on the results of over 20 new AMS 14C samples on animal bones made using the “ultra-filtration” technique at the Oxford Radiocarbon Accelerator Unit. We discuss the implications of these new dates for reconstructions of Pleistocene environments and associated human occupations at the site.

Pleistocen; Palaeolithic; new Dates (AMS); Šandalja Cave; Croatia

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3. znanstveni INQUA skup Geologija kvartara u Hrvatskoj s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem/3rd scientific INQUA meeting Quaternary geology in Croatia with international participation



Zagreb, Hrvatska

Povezanost rada

Geologija, Arheologija