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Optimization of District Heating Storage Capacity (CROSBI ID 494630)

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Bogdan, Željko Optimization of District Heating Storage Capacity // ANNALS OF DAAAM FOR 2002 & PROCEEDINGS OF THE 13th INTERNATIONAL DAAAM SYMPOSIUM / Katalinić, Branko (ur.). Beč: DAAAM International Vienna, 2002. str. 47-48-x

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Bogdan, Željko


Optimization of District Heating Storage Capacity

The mathematical model for simulation and cost optimisation of the thermal power plant operation was developed. The plant supplies hot water for district heating, process steam for industry and electric power. Incorporation of the heat accumulator for compensation between the differences in the production and consumption of district heat was investigated and optimal size of the accumulator suggested.

thermal power plant; mathematical model; simulation; cost optimisation

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Katalinić, Branko

Beč: DAAAM International Vienna

Podaci o skupu

The 13th International DAAAM Symposium 'Intelligent manufacturing & Automation: Learning from Nature'



Beč, Austrija

Povezanost rada
