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Lumbar Spine System: Biomechanical Model Evaluation (CROSBI ID 503263)

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Sušić, Aleksandar ; Jurčević-Lulić, Tanja Lumbar Spine System: Biomechanical Model Evaluation // 4th International Congress of Croatian society of mechanics / Matejiček, Franjo (ur.). Osijek: Grafika Osijek, 2003. str. 483-488-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Sušić, Aleksandar ; Jurčević-Lulić, Tanja


Lumbar Spine System: Biomechanical Model Evaluation

Considering lumbar spine injuries, investigations were pointed in many different directions. Our approach in case of lumbar spine under external mechanical load is to propose approach that can offer better understanding of lumbar spine functionality. For this purpose, this paper describes hypothetic model of lumbar spine mechanism, reduced on sagittal mid plane. As found in our previous investigations, there is principle that can explain response of lumbar spine to applied external mechanical load. Our findings are compared with experimental results. Beside comparison of our findings, comparison with other authors shows even more similarities. Conclusion of this paper comes through noticeable dependence of lumbar spine extension torque and trunk inclination. Connection between lumbar spine responses and applied external mechanical load can be defined as regulative system, however very complex. Used approach can have implications in further biomechanical modelling. For evaluation of reliable relations between lumbar spine responses and applied external mechanical load further investigations are needed.

Lumbar spine functionality

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Matejiček, Franjo

Osijek: Grafika Osijek

Podaci o skupu

4th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics



Bizovac, Hrvatska

Povezanost rada
