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Dynamic Simulation of Transport Aircraft 3D Landing-Elastic Leg Shock Absorber Loads (CROSBI ID 504197)

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Terze, Zdravko ; Wolf, Hinko Dynamic Simulation of Transport Aircraft 3D Landing-Elastic Leg Shock Absorber Loads // Proceedings of European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, ECCOMAS 2004 / P. Neittaanmäki, T. Rossi, S. Korotov, E. O&ntilde ; ; ate, J. Périaux and D. Knörzer (ur.). Jyvaskyla, 2004

Podaci o odgovornosti

Terze, Zdravko ; Wolf, Hinko


Dynamic Simulation of Transport Aircraft 3D Landing-Elastic Leg Shock Absorber Loads

In the paper, dynamic simulation of landing impact of a large transport aircraft, based on a non-linear dynamical model that allows for touchdown analysis of an aircraft 3D landing is presented. The aircraft model is shaped as a multibody system with variable kinematical structure. The model includes discontinuous dynamics of the main landing gear shock absorber, tire dynamics and wheel spin-up effect. The aerodynamic loads are considered, too. Because of its great influence on an aircraft ground dynamical behaviour and landing gear subparts loads determination, dynamical model of the main gear shock absorber is presented in more details. Based on the developed model, the touchdown impacts of a transport aircraft for different 3D flight-landing parameters (one gear landing cases) are simulated with the focus on the main gear shock absorbers loads determination.

Dynamics of Landing aircraft; Aircraft Multibody Model; Non-linear Landing Gear Dynamics; Shock Absorber Model

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

P. Neittaanmäki, T. Rossi, S. Korotov, E. O&ntilde ; ; ate, J. Périaux and D. Knörzer


Podaci o skupu

European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, ECCOMAS 2004: Mini-symposium on Multibody Dynamics

pozvano predavanje


Jyväskylä, Finska

Povezanost rada

Zrakoplovstvo, raketna i svemirska tehnika