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An efficient numerical modelling of anisotropic structural behaviour in large strain elastoplasticity (CROSBI ID 506266)

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Karšaj, Igor ; Sansour, Carlo ; Sorić, Jurica An efficient numerical modelling of anisotropic structural behaviour in large strain elastoplasticity // Proceedings of the Third MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, CD-ROM edition / Bathe, K.J. (ur.). Cambridge (MA): Elsevier, 2005

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Karšaj, Igor ; Sansour, Carlo ; Sorić, Jurica


An efficient numerical modelling of anisotropic structural behaviour in large strain elastoplasticity

The paper deals with aspects of anisotropic elastoplastic analysis at finite strain. The material model is based on the multiplicative decomposition of the deformation gradient. An anisotropic elastic constitutive law, described in invariant setting by the use of structural tensors, is presented. An anisotropic Hill-type yield criterion, described by an Eshelby-like stress tensor and further structural tensors, is developed. It considers nonlinear isotropic hardening as well. Explicit results for the specific case of orthotropic anisotropy are given. An accurate and trivial wise objective integration algorithm employing the exponential map is given. The numerical example demonstrates the influence of anisotropy on the elastoplastic deformation process as well as the robustness and accuracy of the proposed formulation.

elastic orthotropy; orthotropic yield function; multiplicative inelasticity; finite strain

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Third M.I.T. Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics



Cambridge (MA), Sjedinjene Američke Države

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